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崗位職責:1. 提供對公司銷售的儀器設備的安裝、調試、維護、培訓等。
Provide services to company’s customers, e.g. installation, debugging, maintenance, training, etc.
2. 受理客戶電話技術咨詢,為客戶提供技術問題分析、探討及應用解決方案。
Handle customer telephone enquiries, provide customers with technical suppo

任職要求:要求 Requirements
1. 具有良好的團隊協作精神,積極主動,樂于分享,勇于擔當。
Have good teamwork spirit, proactive, willing to share and take responsibility.
2. 品性良好,對新事物新技術有好奇心,具備鉆研精神和探索精神。
Good character, curious about new things and new technologies, proactive and passionate about research and exploration.
3. 有責任心,能承受較大的工作壓力,樂于出差。
Responsible, able to work under pressure, willing to travel.
4. 良好的客戶服務意識。
Good customer service awareness.

經驗及技能要求 Experience and skill needed
1. 本科及以上學歷,物理、機械、光學、電子、材料、半導體等相關專業。
Bachelor degree or above, majors in physics, mechanics, optics, electronics, materials, semiconductors or related discipline.
2. 英語四級以上,英語讀寫流利,具備工作口語能力,電腦操作熟練。
CET-4 or above, good command of written and spoken English, and proficient in computer operation.
3. 熟悉儀器設備行業產品市場,有相應產品維修經驗,能跟進了解主流行業技術。
Familiar with the market of our instrument and equipment industry, have the corresponding product maintenance experience, and have knowledge on the mainstream industry technology.
4. 具備較強的客戶溝通能力和較高的業務處理能力,具備設備故障的分析及判斷能力。
Strong communication skill and problem-solving ability, capable to analyze the problem and provide solution.
5. 有兩年以上儀器設備維修維護經驗。
At least 2 years of experience in equipment maintenance and repair.
6. 熟悉半導體、光通訊、光電子、顯示等行業客戶群者優先。
Familiar with customers in semiconductor, optical communication, optoelectronics, display and other industries is preferred.
7. 有半導體儀器設備的使用,維護或技術經驗者優先。
Experience in the use, maintenance or technology of semiconductor equipment are preferred.




崗位職責:1. 負責已有客戶的跟進和聯絡,拜訪和維護,深挖客戶需求。
Responsible for the follow-up and contact, visit and maintenance of existing customers, and dig deep into customer needs.
2. 對行業客戶進行梳理,總結,與上級和產品部門報告客戶需求與行業信息。
Sort out and summarize the industry’s customers, and


要求 Requirements
1. 具有良好的團隊協作精神,積極主動,樂于分享,勇于擔當。
Have good teamwork spirit, proactive, willing to share and take responsibility.
2. 品性良好,熱愛銷售工作。
Good character and passionate about sales job.
3. 有責任心,能承受較大的工作壓力,樂于出差。
Responsible, able to work under pressure, willing to travel.
4. 有良好的客戶服務意識,學習能力強。
Good customer service awareness and strong learning ability.
5. 有目標意識,對績效和結果負責。
Result-driven, be responsible for performance and results.

經驗及技能要求 Experience and skill needed
1. 本科及以上學歷,物理,機械,光學,電子,材料,半導體等相關專業。
Bachelor degree or above, majors in physics, mechanics, optics, electronics, materials, semiconductors or related discipline.
2. 英語四級以上,英語讀寫流利、口語流利,電腦操作熟練。
CET-4 or above, good command of written and spoken English, and proficient in computer operation.
3. 熟悉儀器設備行業產品市場,有相應產品銷售經驗,了解主流行業技術。
Familiar with the market of our instrument and equipment industry, have the corresponding sales experience, and have knowledge on the mainstream industry technology.
4. 表達能力強,具備較強的客戶溝通能力和較高的商務處理能力。
Strong presentation and communication skill, problem solving ability.
5. 有兩年以上儀器設備銷售經驗者優先。
At least two years of Sales experience in instrument and equipment is preferred.
6. 熟悉半導體,光通訊,光電子,顯示等行業客戶群者優先。
Familiar with customers in semiconductor, optical communication, optoelectronics, display and other industries is preferred.
7. 熟悉國內科研院校,研究院,研究所客戶者優先。
Familiar with local scientific research institutions, research institutes, and research institute customers are preferred.
8 有半導體儀器設備的使用,維護或技術經驗者優先。
Experience in the use, maintenance or technology of semiconductor equipment are preferred.




崗位職責:1. 負責將公司代理的產品線推廣和銷售給工業客戶和高校研究機構類研發型客戶。
Responsible for promoting and selling company products to industrial manufacturing customers and R&D customers.
2. 跟進客戶項目進度和設備安裝調試進度,負責訂單的付款流程管理。開發和維護客戶長期合作關系。
Follow up on equipment acceptance and paym


1. 具有良好的團隊協作精神,積極主動,樂于分享,勇于擔當。
Have good teamwork spirit, proactive, willing to share and take responsibility.
2. 良好的工作態度,熱愛銷售工作,能獨立勝任銷售工作。
Strong work ethic and passionate about sales job, ability to work independently.
3. 有責任心,能承受較大的工作壓力,樂于出差。
Responsible, able to work under pressure, willing to travel overseas sometimes.
4. 有良好的客戶服務意識,學習能力強。
Good customer service awareness and keen desire to learn.
5. 有目標意識,對績效和結果負責。
Result-driven, be responsible for performance and results.

經驗及技能要求 Experience and skill needed
1. 本科及以上學歷,物理,機械,光學,電子,材料,半導體等相關專業。
Bachelor degree or above, majors in physics, mechanics, optics, electronics, materials, semiconductors or related discipline.
2. 4 英語四級以上,英語讀寫流利、口語流利,電腦操作熟練。
CET-4 or above, good command of written and spoken English, and proficient in computer operation.
3. 熟悉儀器設備行業產品市場,有相應產品銷售經驗,了解主流行業技術。
Familiar with the market of our instrument and equipment industry, have the corresponding sales experience, and have knowledge on the mainstream industry technology.
4. 表達能力強,具備較強的客戶溝通能力和較高的商務處理能力。
Strong presentation and communication skill, problem solving ability.
5. 在生物科技產品領域的銷售有兩年以上經驗。
Sales experience in the biotechnology industry (2+ years)
6. 熟悉生物科技領域的微流控應用,對相關設備有使用或者銷售經驗。
Familiar with equipment for microfluidics applications in biotechnology industry
7. 能根據業務需要出差拜訪客戶和有必要時到海外參加供應商會議。
Willing to travel across China in pursuit of new sales opportunities, and overseas to visit suppliers.
8. 熟悉國內科研院校,研究院,研究所客戶者優先。
Familiar with local scientific research institutions, research institutes, and research institute customers are preferred.

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